What better way to spend your lunch time than calling for climate justice!
Join us as the Scottish Parliament debates Scotland’s Climate Bill for the first time. Together, we will show politicians our support for ambitious, urgent climate action.
The impacts of climate change are getting increasingly severe across the world, thousands of children are taking action every week and 29 councils across the UK have announced a climate emergency. However, currently the Climate Bill includes no extra action within the next decade.
This is the crucial time frame for action. Help us tell politicians we are Running Out Of Time!
What will happen?
There will be a brief rally and then a big photo stunt with people dressed in running gear, holding clocks and waving signs to reinforce the message that we’re Running Out Of Time.
What do I need?
Everyone is welcome to bring placards, banners, clocks and if you’re up for it – wear running gear!
Let us know if you’re coming along on Facebook here.
After this event, you can go inside the Scottish Parliament and watch the debate. Book your tickets https://www.parliament.scot/visitandlearn/24232.aspx
For more information on what is happening with the Climate Bill, check out our recent webinar: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E85P1toO1II