Scottish Greenhouse Gas Emissions Statistics for 2022 – a summary of the results

By Lloyd Austin, Policy Advisor to SCCS The latest official statistics on Scottish Greenhouse Gas Emissions were published on 18 June 2024....

Jun 25, 2024

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Stop Climate Chaos Scotland Press Release: Response to 2022 greenhouse gas emissions data

In response to today’s publication by the Scottish Government of the latest data on greenhouse gas emissions, Mike Robinson, chair of...

Jun 18, 2024

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UK general election 2024 – information and resources

Show your candidates that people in Scotland are united for climate action Polling consistently shows that people in the Scotland care...

Jun 12, 2024

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Campaigners warn that Scotland’s climate plans are ‘doomed to fail’ without robust public scrutiny

The Scottish Government will likely repeat failures that resulted in the ditching of 2030 climate targets unless better scrutiny mechanisms...

Jun 10, 2024

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Five years on from the Scottish Parliament declaring a climate emergency – what has happened since?

Blog by Becky Kenton-Lake, SCCS Coalition Manager 2019 was the year that thousands of people joined the school strikers to march in towns...

May 24, 2024

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Representatives from civic society, faith and scientific communities came together on 9th May 2024 to make a clear statement: Scotland’s...

May 08, 2024

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An overview of climate policy and political changes – Spring 2024 

Following announcements about climate policy and political changes, we summarise some of the key events and what this means for climate...

May 03, 2024

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Stop Climate Chaos Scotland Press Release: Weakening Scotland’s climate legislation an ‘abject failure’ and Scottish Government’s response ‘wholly inadequate’

The Scottish Government has announced that it plans to weaken Scotland’s climate legislation by removing the legal requirement to reduce...

Apr 18, 2024

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Advisors deliver damning verdict on insufficient climate action

Today (Wednesday 20th March 2024) a new report by the Scottish Government’s official advisors on climate change has delivered a damning...

Mar 20, 2024

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We cannot afford to keep delaying climate action 

Blog by Mike Robinson, Chair of Stop Climate Chaos Scotland This week’s Scottish Fiscal Commission report “Fiscal Sustainability...

Mar 15, 2024

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