Media statement in response to the Scottish Government’s iNDC

  • 23 Jul 2021
  • COP26, General News, Press Release

Group of charities welcome Scottish Government’s publication of climate plans – but urge stronger, faster action overall.

Today, Friday 23 July, the Scottish Government has published a snapshot of its existing climate policy in an indicative Nationally Determined Contribution (iNDC), ahead of the UN climate conference COP26 due this November in Glasgow.

Scotland is not a party to the Paris Agreement and therefore, unlike countries who will attend the talks in Glasgow, it is not required to submit an NDC. The Scottish Government’s voluntary decision to do so is therefore positive, particularly given Scotland’s relatively strong climate ambition and progress to date in comparison to other rich developed countries.

Stop Climate Chaos Scotland (SCCS) welcomes the ambition ‒ however, Scotland has missed its last three annual emissions reduction targets. We urge the Scottish Government to urgently up its game and get on track to achieve its legally-binding commitments.

Tom Ballantine, Chair of SCCS said:
“This iNDC demonstrates the Scottish Government’s commitment to drive up ambition at COP26. It signals that the Scottish Government is ready to stand up and put bold commitments on the table, to drive more ambition from the UK and the rest of the industrialised world. However, if the Scottish Government is serious about driving up action at COP26, it urgently needs to up its game ahead of the conference. Stronger, faster action is needed to phase out our most polluting activities and create new, decent job opportunities in green industries.”

Stop Climate Chaos Scotland has published an updated policy paper setting out the measures they want the Scottish Government to take to drive down emissions and increase support to people most impacted by the climate crisis in the run up to COP26. The paper calls for Scotland to make the most of the unique opportunity being home to the host city of COP26 brings and use this to drive global action.

Tom Ballantine, Chair of SCCS commented:
“It is not acceptable that Scotland has missed its greenhouse gas emissions targets for three years in a row. Nor is it acceptable that the recently updated Climate Change Plan lacks a credible plan to show how Scotland will achieve its 75% emissions reduction target by 2030. Much more needs to be done urgently for Scotland to claim its position as a world leader on climate change.”


For more information or to arrange an interview with a spokesperson, please contact:

Fiona Hooker

Communications and Campaigns Officer, Stop Climate Chaos Scotland

Email: | Tel: 07724 840620


Becky Kenton-Lake, Coalition Coordinator, Stop Climate Chaos Scotland

Email: | Tel: 07957 755336.

Notes to Editor

  1. Stop Climate Chaos Scotland (SCCS) is a diverse coalition of over 60 civil society organisations in Scotland campaigning together on climate change. Its members include environment, faith and international development organisations, trade and student unions and community groups.
  2. SCCS’s demands of the Scottish, UK and historic polluting countries for COP26 are published in a paper entitled ‘Delivering Climate Justice at COP26 in Glasgow’ which can be viewed online at
  3. Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) are the domestic commitments that countries need to make towards the collective global effort against climate change. All independent countries who are members of the UN are committed to the Paris Agreement and therefore required to submit NDCs before COP26. The Scottish Government is not required to submit an NDC, but committed to doing so in order to show their full commitment to the success of COP26 and the Paris Agreement.