No time to lose in tackling climate emergency as MSPs back net-zero climate target

  • 18 Jun 2019
  • Act for Our Future, General News

As MSPs voted to support a net-zero target in law in Scotland today, civil society have said that there is no time to lose in accelerating the climate action required to set Scotland on course to net-zero.

Stop Climate Chaos Scotland (SCCS) believes enshrining this commitment in law puts Scotland amongst the leading group of nations in the world in terms of long term ambition on climate change, but we now need urgent action across the board to ensure its delivery.

Gail Wilson, Stop Climate Chaos Scotland Campaigns Manager said:

“MSPs have come together today to set a net-zero target for Scotland. We believe the issue is black and white – we are in a climate emergency and there is no time to lose. The improvement to our long term commitment is incredibly welcome. Now, we need to see urgent action taken to reduce our emissions over the crucial next decade.

“From farming to transport to energy efficiency of our buildings, the Climate Change Bill is an opportunity to improve Scottish society while reducing emissions. Many of the actions which can address climate chaos bring other benefits such as warmer homes, cleaner air, better health and skilled jobs. This must be done in a fair way that enhances the lives of workers and communities across Scotland, and in the global south.”