Stronger planning policies to deliver emission reductions
Local authorities should strengthen their approach to Section 75 agreements with developers to leverage private investment into community solutions to sustainable transport.
Planning decisions and policies will need to change in order to be compatible with net zero, the sustainable transport hierarchy and the National Planning Framework 4 (NPF4). Commercial or residential developments should not be approved if they lock in car dependency, fail to facilitate active travel or make community, public or shared transport inaccessible.
Local development plans must contain clear requirements to this effect. Local authorities should have a much more ambitious approach to Section 75 agreements with developers in partnership with the Community Transport sector. Local authorities should leverage Section 75 agreements to negotiate a developer contribution towards community-owned transport solutions in every new neighbourhood in Scotland. This could be through financial contributions to enable existing Community Transport operators to extend their services and operators or investment to enable new groups to be set up in the local area.
For example, developer contributions could be utilised to fund accessible demand responsive transport for older and disabled residents or create new community-owned closed loop car clubs from the beginning of new neighbourhoods.
This policy would reduce congestion, prevent forced car ownership and improve road safety by empowering local people to live locally without owning their own car. The planning system can also be a vital tool in making sure we build energy-efficient new buildings and retrofit existing buildings, see the ‘Decarbonising homes and non-domestic buildings– regulations’ policy in the Buildings chapter.
For further information:
- The role of local government and its cross-sectoral partners in financing and delivering a net-zero Scotland, Community Transport Association, 2022,