New Scottish Government must deliver on climate change

23 senior representatives from Scotland’s largest civil society coalition, Stop Climate Chaos Scotland (SCCS), have today handed a...

May 09, 2011

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SCCS response to COP15 Copenhagen talks

Speaking on the outcome of the UN summit on climate change in Copenhagen, Mike Robinson, Chair of Stop Climate Chaos Scotland said:...

Dec 10, 2009

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The Wave floods into Glasgow to demand action on climate change

8,000 people joined The Wave, Scotland’s biggest ever demonstration to demand action on climate change. The people of Scotland sent a...

Dec 05, 2009

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Scotland ‘leads the world’ in the fight against climate change

The Scottish Parliament today led the world by passing the strongest climate change legislation of any industrialised nation. MSPs voted in...

Jun 24, 2009

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Hundreds gather to lobby MSPs on Scottish Climate Change Bill

Over 500 people gathered on Wednesday 22 April outside the Scottish Parliament to demand that MSPs deliver a strong Climate Change Bill....

Jun 22, 2009

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SCCS calls on parliament to deliver strong climate legislation

Key members from across the Stop Climate Chaos Scotland coalition will today present their evidence on the Scottish Climate Change Bill to...

Feb 03, 2009

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